Sunday, June 24, 2012


Diana, Irene, Maggie and Susan enjoying pizza and soda as we celebrated
 the completion of their discipleship and skills training program. 
After fourteen weeks of intense discipleship and skills training, three of the four young women successfully completed the first Sewing Seeds discipleship and skills program. We celebrated by going out for pizza and soda. Each one of them have professed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have a desire to follow Him. It has been a blessing for me to be able to see the transformation in their lives through the daily reading, studying, journaling and sharing of the Word of God.   

Susan's son, Fenuel, modeling
our sweater hoodie design.

On the more practical side, the girls have become very proficient in knitting. They have expanded beyond just making the traditional school sweaters, using their new skills to generate new clothing items that are unique and can be marketed locally. We have successfully sold all of the items that we have made as part of the training. The sales of the items has provided for our daily training expenses and for purchase of additional yarn needed to sustain the training program. In fact, our sweaters are being sought out due to the quality of our work and our fair pricing.  Please pray as we are currently struggling to find the yarn in the local markets that are needed to match the school colors in our area. This is currently one of our biggest challenges to growing our businesses right now.
Fenuel modeling our zip-up
collared sweater design.

Moving forward, I have agreed to give the girls access to our place and the knitting machines to begin building their business for a small percentage of each item they make. This will enable them to build their customer base and business without having the initial debt or overhead cost of a startup. The small fee collected will be used sustain and expand the ministry in the future. Please pray for good stewardship and diligence as we have also introduced a way of keeping records of our sales transactions and expenses as they begin to build their businesses.

Prayer Requests
    Diana, her baby Wilson (8mo) and me.
  • Please pray for Diana, Irene and Maggie who have finished the program as they have many challenges ahead. Diana and Irene are single mothers already. Please pray that they would continue to have a hunger and thirst for the Word of God and that they would be salt and light to their children, in their families to those around them.
  • Please pray for Christine who began the program with us and has failed to finish. We have reached out to her and her family but she has refused us. She is working in a bar, drinking and participating in the lifestyle that is worldly and unhealthy.
      Visiting Irene's home to bring her new
      daughter, Dolra a knitted baby outfit as a gift.
    • Please pray as I have asked Susan, who co-labored with me in the ministry, and Maggie, one of the students, to consider leading the next group of young women through the discipleship and knitting program. 
    • Pray as we are desiring to begin training up another group of young women through the Sewing Seeds Ministry in August. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we begin seeking the girls to participate in the program.

    • In His Grip,