Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whirlwind Tour Comes To An End

The last leg of my journey actually took me through a tornado! Unknown to me and the other passengers on our commuter flight into Huntsville, AL airport, tornados were sprouting and touching down in the immediate and surrounding area. Pastor Don met me at the airport with a less than encouraging greeting saying, “I can’t believe you are here!” I didn’t know what he was referring too until he explained the weather situation. Even as we exited the terminal building, public tornado warnings were screaming at us. My time with my brothers and sister at Calvary Chapel Madison County (CCMC) was short but sweet.

For the past several years I have been invited to share a little about Uganda with the children at Ridgecrest Elementary School located in downtown Huntsville. Rather unexpectedly this year I was the keynote speaker for a school assembly of some 390 children along with faculty and parents. I shared with them a day in the life of a Ugandan which is largely agriculturally based. This fit in well with a wonderful play that the children enacted about farming and gardening of fruits and vegetables. During my short time with my CCMC family, I also shared at a weekly Women’s Bible Study, did some Stampin’, shared at the church and had a wonderful time renewing fellowship with my church family at a BBQ Potluck. Ok, I did get to squeeze in a quick round of golf while there as well.

As my time in the U.S. has come to an end, I want to thank each and everyone one of you who gave me an opportunity to share and for listening while I shared with you the opportunities that the Lord has given for George and I to equip the saints here in Uganda practically and spiritually. Thank you all for the love of Christ that you demonstrated tangibly toward me during my short visit on furlough in the States. I left for Uganda renewed, refreshed, blessed and encouraged by your kindness, caring, sharing, and giving extended toward me.

In Christ,

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