Friday, September 4, 2009

Settling In & Pressing On

We have finally completed our move into our new house! George is staying busy fixing things here and there to get us settled. The Lord has really blessed us with a perfect house to meet our needs and to enjoy. Pray that we would use this house to glorify Him.

We have completed our short journey through the Bible this summer discovering and studying the stories of various women used by God. Through studying their stories we were able to see aspects of ourselves in these women and through their testimony learn timely lessons for us today. God’s very nature and character shined through as we saw His mercy, grace, longsuffering, goodness, power and love continuously extended toward us. Our God is alive and intimately active in each of our lives today!

We are now diving into a new and exciting study through the book of Daniel together. Although many of the stories about Daniel and his three friends are very familiar, we don’t want to miss out on what the Lord has for us to learn and practically apply to our lives today. Not only are we living in the very times Daniel describes, but we too are in a way “living in Babylon”. It is our prayer that we like Daniel and his three friends can resolve to stay undefiled in the midst of opposition, trials and a culture which in many ways is like Babylon during Daniel’s day and have faith and confidence in the Most High God! Pray for wisdom and understanding for me as I continue to prepare and lead the study. Pray also for the Lord to prepare the hearts and minds of the ladies coming to the study.

We are also beginning a new weekly lunchtime Women’s Bible study for the ladies that work in the MAF Office. We are very excited to begin our study of various Women of the Bible. This will be a good place for us to start our journey together. Pray that we would be of the same mind and have a sweet time of fellowship together. Also pray that we would be encouraged and discover practical application of the living Word in our lives though our study together.

George and Luan

1 comment:

Don Lori Hawkins said...

Thanks for the update. We like to hear specific ways we can pray for you and George. Sounds like you're very busy with the women's Bible Studies. We pray the Lord will continue to give you both the wisdom and knowledge you need as you minister to His people.