For some time, my brothers and sisters from Family Empowerment (FEM) project have been struggling to get a second fishpond that they dug by hand
draining properly. A small existing pond suppo
rts fish, but it is not big enough to provide for everyone living on the farm. Fish is a great source of much needed protein and vitamins. They have a
vision to expand the number of fish ponds to meet their needs and to reach out to the
surrounding community.
I traveled along with a couple of engineers, Chad and Dennis, serving with Engineering Ministries International (eMi) to perform a topo-survey of the existing ponds and surrounding area in late March. The survey will help to
determine drainage issues with the existing pond and if the slope of the land will support any additional ponds. Over the two days of our, Chad and Dennis surveyed 16 acres. Pray for those that will be evaluating the information and helping to make their vision for more fish ponds a reality.
I really went along on the trip to introduce Chad and Dennis but, I had a hidden motive of getting an opportunity to visit with the ladies on the farm and to share with them from the Word of God. While the
guys were sweating in the 100+ degree heat walking through the bush that was still smoldering from recent burning, I was having some fun with the ladies in the shade under a group of trees on the farm. We gathered together mid-day for a Bible study and crafts. I shared with them about our blessed hope of Christ returning for us.
Following our study, we partook of communion together. This was the first time for many of the ladies to take communion. For the remainder of our time together we worked on an income generating craft. The ladies are making earrings from bamboo that grows indigenously in areas of Uganda. Income from the sale of the earrings will be used by the ladies to provide school fees for their children and to purchase basic necessities. Pray that the Lord will bless their hands and efforts through the income generating project.
After dark, Richard set up a generator, projector and movie screen that he had borrowed in an open field on the farm. I took several movies with me for them to choose. Families from the farm and the surrounding area came to watch "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." As I watched from a distance men, women and lots of children appear out of the fields and the bush to come and watch this movie, I couldn’t help but thank the Lord that He could make this all possible in such a remote location. A little ways from the movie, we had a camp fire going. Keeping with tradition, I took a food that they have never tasted for them to try. This time I took marsh mellows to roast over the fire. Ok, so maybe marsh mellows are not a food group, but either way, they couldn’t get enough of them!